This Wabash River Scenic Byway Management Plan guides the management of the 16-mile long river corridor through Tippecanoe County, Indiana. The plan integrates roadway design, wayfinding, and land stewardship under the grand theme of the river's 2.5 million year history. This interpretive lens melds geology, archaeology, anthropology, geopolitics and ecology as defining aspects of place and guides ongoing management collaborations.
The River Road State Scenic Byway was designated in 2008. This plan was funded by the Indiana Department of Transportation with a local grant match provided by The Wabash River Enhancement Corporation. The planning process consolidated the wealth of previous planning efforts and community outreach with additional public, working group, and stakeholder meetings, and created a project website to continue the public engagement process. The plan, completed in 2014, guides management and celebration of the byway as a powerful regional resource and amenity.