Virginia Multimodal Guidelines

Virginia Statewide Guidelines for Multimodal Planning and Design

SKA was an adviser and peer reviewer during the 18-month development of Virginia\'s statewide guidelines for multimodal planning and design.

Our participation was based on having produced a series of multimodal planning documents for the Indianapolis eight-county region. The Indianapolis Regional Center Multimodal System Plan and its supporting Multimodal Corridor and Public Space Design Guidelines were cited as Best Practice references for Virginia\'s process. Production of the Virginia guidelines was managed by Transit Planning Manager, Amy Inman, and the document was produced by the Renaissance Planning Group. 


The following abstract is from the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation:

\"The Multimodal System Design Guidelines provide a holistic framework for multimodal planning with a step-by-step process of identifying centers of activity, designating connected networks for all travel modes, and designing and retrofitting specific corridors that fit with the surrounding context. This process can be applied to the full range of contexts throughout Virginia to plan connected regional transportation networks to serve all travel modes.\"

The Multimodal System Design Guidelines provide a holistic framework for multimodal planning with a step-by-step process of identifying centers of activity, designating connected networks for all travel modes, and designing and retrofitting specific corridors that fit with the surrounding context. This process can be applied to the full range of contexts throughout Virginia to plan connected regional transportation networks to serve all travel modes.

Award Recipient

2013 American Planning Association Award 


The Guidelines, and three videos that summarize their content, can be downloaded here: