Innovative Strategies: visioning successful places and networks through knowledge-based observation and pragmatic focus on positive change.
Inspiring Places: designing public spaces and systems from regional to local scales of experiential engagement.
Optimized Connections: leveraging public infrastructure as a balanced framework for experience, opportunity and accessibility.
Projects range from intimate garden spaces to urban connectivity networks; from experiential elements of public art, to walkable communities and their underlying infrastructure; from public parks to economic development strategies. The work of Meg Storrow and John Kinsella results in connected and beautiful places that enhance the well-being of our communities and the environment.
Our Mission | Create exceptional places and place-based connections as interdependent elements of public space.
Our Vision | Transform the continuum of regions, communities, districts and neighborhoods into active and livable interconnected places.
Our Process | Collaborate with clients and empowered stakeholders to achieve a shared and possible vision.
Our Pragmatism | Develop effective strategies based on research and experience-based multidisciplinary expertise.
Our Goal | Implement viable, sustainable inspiring places.
Contact us here to explore possible collaborations.
Recent Activity
10/15/21| Alice Carter Place Children’s Play Garden
>Click here The Meridian Street Foundation is seeking neighborhood input on a new playground for Alice Carter Place park. Go to our interactive website to learn more about playground design choices and our progress! […]05/01/2021| B&O Trail Awarded Grant!
Imagine miles and miles of peaceful, scenic trail laced with clear county streams and lined with trees and blossoming wild flowers. Envision a place where families, friends and neighbors causally meet to escape the stress and demands of a hetic lifestyle. Ponder a venue where you can stroll, jog, bicycle or horseback ride along a trail free from motorized vehicles. This is the B&O Trail. > learn more here […]06/18/18| Tini Patio Opens: Teeniest SKA project ever
A really tiny sidewalk patio has become a little less tiny. It’s Tini. Improving Tini on the Avenue’s sidewalk patio has been an adventurous romp with historic district guardians and the Indianapolis Cultural Trail Inc., with the intent to make this popular outdoor space more inviting, friendlier to passing pedestrians and with a bit more presence on the Avenue and on the Indianapolis Cultural Trail, a legacy of Gene & Marilyn Glick. The original Tini patio occupied some leftover right-of-way space at the junction of the Cultural Trail with the unnamed alley that houses the Chatham […]